Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bodybuilding Workout for Big Arms And Chest 2013

Bodybuilding Workout for Big Arms And Chest 2013

Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

Working out to build big muscles like a bodybuilder entails intense lifting and high-volume training. You need only work your chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders one day per week, though not all in the same workout. To continue challenging and growing your muscles, you should change your training program every four to six weeks.

Intensity and Volume

Inducing muscle growth is much different from simply toning your muscles or increasing the capacity of your muscles to generate a tremendous amount of force. Lifting weights to build bigger muscles requires a specific stimulus as far as the resistance you use, the number of sets you complete and the number of repetitions you do per set. Training to alter your muscular fitness is not black-and-white, but rather a few shades of gray. To build bigger arms and chest muscles, most of the exercises you do must incorporate moderate to heavy weights such that you can only complete four to six sets of six to 12 repetitions. Occasionally, you should lift heavier weights for up to five repetitions, building up to six to 12 repetitions. And once in a while, you should finish your workout with a few sets of 15 repetitions.

Chest with Back

Generally, bodybuilders pair two opposing muscle groups together, maximizing the capacity of each muscle group to recuperate within one to two minutes and be ready for the next set. Chest and back muscles are opposite muscles. To build big pectorals, in addition to bigger back muscles, do flat bench presses with one arm dumbbell rows, incline bench presses with lat pulldowns, flat dumbbell presses with seated rows and flat dumbbell flies with dumbbell pullovers.

Shoulders with Legs

The shoulder muscles, or deltoids, are engaged when you do chest, back and sometimes triceps exercises. As such, you should pair shoulder exercises with leg exercises one or two days after your chest workout. If you work your shoulders the day after you do your chest, you will not effectively build your deltoids because they are still recovering. Include dumbbell lateral raises with squats, barbell shoulder presses with lunges, upright barbell rows with one-leg deadlifts and bent-over dumbbell flies with leg extensions to build the anterior, middle and posterior divisions of your shoulder.

Biceps with Triceps

The biceps and triceps muscles are opposing muscle groups and should be your last workout of the week. These muscles are also engaged when you train your chest and back. The best biceps exercises to build huge arms include EZ barbell curls and alternating dumbbell curls. The best triceps exercises are two-arm dumbbell extensions and EZ barbell French presses. Work your arms by pairing EZ barbell curls with two-arm dumbbell extensions, alternating dumbbell curls with EZ barbell French presses and triceps press downs with concentration curls.

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