Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Gain the Bodybuilding Workout Routines Effectively 2013

How to Gain the Bodybuilding Workout Routines Effectively 2013

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
For professional bodybuilders, increasing muscle mass requires a detailed approach to training and nutrition. These detailed training programs used by bodybuilders have proven results for building lean muscle mass, weight gain and improved strength. In order to gain the bodybuilding workout routines effectively, you must follow a systematic approach that fits your lifestyle, current fitness level and individual strengths.

Step 1

Build a training schedule that rotates every three to six weeks to progress with your fitness level and to prevent a training plateau. The workouts should last an average of 45 to 60 minutes to maintain a high level of intensity. A sample weekly schedule includes chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, legs on Wednesday, shoulders on Thursday and arms and abs on Friday.

Step 2

Progress through the training program based on your fitness and strength levels. The first three weeks should be spent performing classic lifts to build a foundation of strength and stability. The next six weeks should include four weekly workouts before moving up to six weekly workouts for the next six weeks.

Step 3

Perform functional compound exercises that combine two or more muscle groups. These exercises promote more muscles that support lean muscle growth. Sample lower body exercises include squats, deadlifts and lunges while upper body exercises include bench press, shoulder press and pullups.

Step 4

Add supplementary isolation exercises to focus on specific muscle groups based on your weaknesses. For example, if your goal is to increase chest definition and size, you may implement additional chest isolation exercises such as dumbbell flyes or close-grip bench press. Use two to three isolation exercises per workout.

Step 5

Perform a variety of set-rep combinations to confuse the muscle fibers. For example, sets of six to eight repetitions is good for building strength while sets of 10 to 12 repetitions helps to build muscle mass and confuse the muscles by stimulating more muscle fibers.

Step 6

Follow a bodybuilding nutrition plan designed to promote lean muscle development while burning excess body fat. Your nutrition should consist of complex carbohydrates from whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables along with healthy fats from nuts and seeds and lean protein from fish, chicken and lean beef.

1 التعليقات:

So you want to lose weight, define your abs, don't want to buy or use those expensive machines AND want to do this at home! So, what can you do to accomplish this?
more in for
Bodybuilding Program

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