Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Create a Bodybuilding Workout

How to Create a Bodybuilding Workout

How to Create a Bodybuilding Workout
How to Create a Bodybuilding Workout
Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

Bodybuilders are recognized as having large, defined muscles with a low body fat percentage. Their physique comes as a result of a dedicated workout routine combined with a strict nutrition plan. If you want to achieve similar results, you can create your own bodybuilding workout. If designed properly, you will build lean muscle mass while burning excess body fat and improving your overall fitness level with the bodybuilding workout. However, always consult your doctor before starting or changing your workout routine.

Step 1

Print a workout log that breaks down each day of the week for several weeks. The workout log will be used to create, track and record your bodybuilding workout data. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness goals. It will also track overall progress for each exercise by recording the exercise, weight and total number of sets and repetitions performed.

Step 2

Determine how many days per week you can workout. Your availability affects the pairing of exercises and muscle groups for the total number of workouts per week. For example, you can isolate more muscle groups with five to six workouts. But if you only have time for three to four workouts, you will need to combine multiple muscle groups. Also plan days for rest and recovery to prevent overtraining and injuries.

Step 3

Define your individual bodybuilding and fitness goals. This helps to narrow down the choice of exercises along with any other supplementary workouts. For example, if your goal is to reduce body fat and then build muscle mass, you will want to include multiple cardio workouts each work to complement the bodybuilding workouts.

Step 4

Design the workouts for each muscle group and body part. An essential component to designing the various workouts is to include balance for every body part, including the legs, core, arms, chest and back. This ensures a balanced body that is resistant to injury. A sample workout schedule include biceps and triceps on Monday, Tuesday off, legs on Wednesday, back on Thursday, chest and shoulders on Friday and then rest days on Saturday and Sunday.

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